
Check The Published Writeups

4309Hacking YouTube for #fun and #profit IDOR Google Alexandru Coltuneac (@dekeeu) Bug Bounty2019-02-122023-06-13
4307Disclose private attachments in Facebook Messenger Infrastructure - 15,000$ IDOR Meta / Facebook Sarmad Hassan (@JubaBaghdad) Bug Bounty2019-02-132023-06-13
4306[SSRF] Server Side Request Forgery in a private Program developers.example.com SSRF NA Mohamed Haron (@m7mdharon) Bug Bounty2019-02-142023-06-13
4305Third Party Android App Storing Facebook Data Insecurely (Facebook Data Abuse Program) Information disclosure Missing authentication Meta / Facebook Nightwatch Cybersecurity (@nightwatchcyber) Bug Bounty2019-02-142023-06-13
4303Souq.com Subdomain Takeover via jazzhr.com service Subdomain takeover Souq.com Mohamed Haron (@m7mdharon) Bug Bounty2019-02-152023-06-13
4302Subdomain Takeover via HubSpot Subdomain takeover NA Mohamed Haron (@m7mdharon) Bug Bounty2019-02-152023-06-13
4301Bypassing rate limit abusing misconfiguration rules Rate limiting bypass NA Daniel V. (@d4niel_v) Bug Bounty2019-02-152023-06-13
4300Open Redirect in SLACK Open redirect Slack Mukhammad Akbar (@abaykandotcom) Bug Bounty2019-02-162023-06-13
4299Subdomain Takeover via Wufoo Service in a Private Program Subdomain takeover NA Mohamed Haron (@m7mdharon) Bug Bounty2019-02-162023-06-13
4298Facebook/Workplace Bug Exposed Offsite Employee Events, Sensitive emails Putting Employees at Risk Information disclosure Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2019-02-162023-06-13
4296$1.000 SSRF in Slack SSRF Slack Elber Andre (@Elber333) Bug Bounty2019-02-172023-06-13
4295Stored XSS on Edmodo Stored XSS Edmodo Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2019-02-182023-06-13
42942 Subdomains Takeover via Unbounce in a Private Program Subdomain takeover NA Mohamed Haron (@m7mdharon) Bug Bounty2019-02-182023-06-13
4293DoS on WAF Protected Sites by Abusing Cookie DoS Upwork Anas Mahmood (@AnasIsHere) Bug Bounty2019-02-182023-06-13
4292Using URI to pop shells via the Discord Client URI abuse Social engineering Discord RagSec (@rag_sec) Bug Bounty2019-02-182023-06-13
4291Multiple Stored XSS On Tokopedia Stored XSS Blind XSS Tokopedia apapedulimu / Nosa Shandy (@LocalHost31337) Bug Bounty2019-02-192023-06-13
4290Leakage of Client Secret, Server tokens of all Uber developer applications Information disclosure Uber Anand Prakash (@anandpraka_sh) Bug Bounty2019-02-192023-06-13
4289Bug Writeup: FBCTF IDOR IDOR Meta / Facebook George Osterweil Bug Bounty2019-02-202023-06-13
4288How I Registered Multiple Accounts in PrivateInternetAccess VPN Service for FREE Logic flaw PrivateInternetAccess VPN Spade Bug Bounty2019-02-202023-06-13
4287Reflected XSS at https://photos.shopify.com Reflected XSS Shopify Ahamed Morad (@Modam3r5) Bug Bounty2019-02-212023-06-13
4286Abusing autoresponders and email bounces Information disclosure Logic flaw Google Intigriti Inti De Ceukelaire (@securinti) Bug Bounty2019-02-212023-06-13
4285Swiss_E-Voting_Publications XSS XXE RCE Missing authentication Authentication flaw Hardcoded credentials Swiss E-Voting setuid0 (@_setuid0_) Bug Bounty2019-02-212023-06-13
4284Exploiting Google Calendars Authorization flaw Information disclosure Uber Shopify Netflix Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2019-02-222023-06-13
4283Subdomain Misconfiguration lead to AWS S3 Buckets Reader Subdomain takeover NA Mohamed Haron (@m7mdharon) Bug Bounty2019-02-222023-06-13
4282Download any organisation Data — S3 amazonaws Misconfiguration Authorization flaw NA Chand Singh (@Chand_42) Bug Bounty2019-02-222023-06-13