
Check The Published Writeups

4553Facebook Bug Bounty: Email Id, Phone Number Can be exposed Through Business Manager Logic flaw Information disclosure Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2018-10-032023-06-13
4487Object name Exposure — ING Bank Responsible Disclosure Program Information disclosure ING Bank Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2018-11-082023-06-13
4298Facebook/Workplace Bug Exposed Offsite Employee Events, Sensitive emails Putting Employees at Risk Information disclosure Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2019-02-162023-06-13
4295Stored XSS on Edmodo Stored XSS Edmodo Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2019-02-182023-06-13
4250User Account Takeover [Password Change]— Nice Catch! Account takeover Password reset NA Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2019-03-142023-06-13
4093Business user Employees could have applied block list to all ad accounts listed in the business manager. Authorization flaw Logic flaw Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2019-06-172023-06-13
3971ByPassing fix of Domain Blocking feature in Business Manager Authorization flaw Logic flaw Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2019-08-152023-06-13
3882Whitehat test accounts can act as Hidden Admin with Business manager / Ad Accounts. Authorization flaw Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2019-10-122023-06-13
3506Private Dashboards were accessible by other Admins in Analytics Dashboard Authorization flaw Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2020-05-022023-06-13
3421[IDOR] Delete saved credit cards from any Business Manager Account — Facebook Bug Bounty IDOR Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2020-06-052023-06-13
3182Page shops with a hidden Product in “Featured product section” which could be controlled by attacker (Ex Editor). Logic flaw Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2020-08-312023-06-13
2534CSRF from which we can create a support ticket in Victim’s Account (500$) CSRF Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2021-05-212023-06-13
2533Victim’s Anti CSRF Token could be exposed to Third-party Applications installed on user’s Device (500$) Information disclosure Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2021-05-212023-06-13