
Check The Published Writeups

5165Critical LinkedIn vulnerability proactively resolved by Wallarm (XXE in application server) XXE LinkedIn Wallarm (@Wallarm)< Bug Bounty2016-06-102023-06-13
51130day writeup: XXE in uber.com XXE Uber - Bug Bounty2017-01-242023-06-13
5101From RSS to XXE: feed parsing on Hootsuite XSS XXE Hootsuite Yasin Soliman (@SecurityYasin) Bug Bounty2017-02-172023-06-13
4977Multiple vulnerabilities in Oracle EBS SQL injection XXE XSS NA Shubham Gupta (@hackerspider1) Bug Bounty2017-09-192023-06-13
4917Bug Bounty: Fastmail Blind SSRF Blind XXE Fastmail Brian Hyde (@0xHyde) Bug Bounty2017-12-082023-06-13
4731How I Found CVE-2018-8819: Out-of-Band (OOB) XXE in WebCTRL XXE NA Darrell Damstedt Bug Bounty2018-06-112023-06-13
4702CVE-2016-3473 XXE NA hateshape (@hateshaped) Bug Bounty2018-07-062023-06-13
4701CVE-2018-8819 XXE NA hateshape (@hateshaped) Bug Bounty2018-07-072023-06-13
4592XXE at Bol.com XXE Bol.com Jonathan Bouman (@JonathanBouman) Bug Bounty2018-09-112023-06-13
4546Blind XML External Entities Out-Of-Band Channel Vulnerability : PayPal Case Study Blind XXE Paypal Abdelmoughite Eljoaydi Bug Bounty2018-10-052023-06-13
4527XXE in IBM’s MaaS360 Platform XXE IBM Cody Wass Bug Bounty2018-10-162023-06-13
4516SOAP- Based Unauthenticated Out-of-Band XML External Entity (OOB-XXE) in a Help Desk Software XXE NA Nikhil (niks) (@niksthehacker) Bug Bounty2018-10-242023-06-13
4479OOB XXE in PrizmDoc (CVE-2018–15805) OOB XXE PrizmDoc Nik srivastava Bug Bounty2018-11-132023-06-13
4458An interesting XXE in SAP. XXE SAP Zain Sabahat (@Zain_Sabahat) Bug Bounty2018-11-222023-06-13
4433XSS to XXE in Prince v10 and below (CVE-2018-19858) XSS XXE NA Corben Leo (@hacker_) Bug Bounty2018-12-052023-06-13
4417Exploiting XXE with local DTD files XXE NA Arseniy Sharoglazov (@_mohemiv) Bug Bounty2018-12-132023-06-13
4285Swiss_E-Voting_Publications XSS XXE RCE Missing authentication Authentication flaw Hardcoded credentials Swiss E-Voting setuid0 (@_setuid0_) Bug Bounty2019-02-212023-06-13
3989Exploiting Out Of Band XXE using internal network and php wrappers XXE NA Mahmoud Gamal (@Zombiehelp54) Bug Bounty2019-08-062023-06-13
3794Spilling Local Files via XXE when HTTP OOB fails XXE NA Rahul Maini (@iamnoooob) Bug Bounty2019-12-072023-06-13
3673External XML Entity via File Upload (SVG) XXE Unrestricted file upload NA Atul (@atul_hax) Bug Bounty2020-02-082023-06-13
3657A Tale of Two Formats: Exploiting Insecure XML and ZIP File Parsers to Create a Web Shell XXE RCE Directory Traversal NA Eugene Lim (@spaceraccoonsec) Bug Bounty2020-02-182023-06-13
3623$5,005 worth vulnerability Duplicated, How I loose $5,005 in a day? Denial of Service - Billion LAUGH Attack (XXE) DoS XXE NA Muhammad Asim Shahzad (@protector47) Bug Bounty2020-03-082023-06-13
3455Bug Hunting Stories: Schneider Electric & The Andover Continuum Web.Client XXE Reflected XSS Uber Niv Levy (@restr1ct3d) Bug Bounty2020-05-272023-06-13
3434h1{Error based XXE - bug bounty writeup} XXE NA f4d3 (@f4d3_cl) Bug Bounty2020-05-312023-06-13
3335Why I paid 3.5K to become a TLD registrar reseller when doing bug bounty XXE NA hg_real (@hgreal1) Bug Bounty2020-07-052023-06-13