
Check The Published Writeups

5142Reading Uber’s Internal Emails [Uber Bug Bounty report worth $10,000] Subdomain takeover Uber Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2016-09-052023-06-13
5139How I snooped into your private Slack messages [Slack Bug bounty worth $2,500] Subdomain takeover Slack Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2016-09-132023-06-13
5111I got emails - G Suite Vulnerability Logic flaw Authorization flaw Google Meta / Facebook Yelp Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2017-02-022023-06-13
5078I got emails — G Suite Vulnerability Logic flaw Google Yelp Meta / Facebook Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2017-05-052023-06-13
4996Developer Luminate IDOR IDOR Yahoo! / Verizon Media Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2017-08-302023-06-13
4995Luminate Store Basics defacement and potential takeover CSRF Session management issue Yahoo! / Verizon Media Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2017-08-302023-06-13
4975This domain is my domain — G Suite A record vulnerability Domain takeover Google Uber Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2017-09-212023-06-13
4974Luminate Internal Privilege Escalation — Admin to Owner Authorization flaw Yahoo! / Verizon Media Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2017-09-212023-06-13
4919Getting a RCE — CTF Way RCE NA Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2017-12-052023-06-13
4810Source Code Analysis in YSurvey — Luminate bug Authentication bypass Authorization flaw SQL injection Yahoo! / Verizon Media Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2018-04-102023-06-13
4695Should this be public though? Information disclosure Shopify Uber Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2018-07-132023-06-13
4685RCE on Yahoo Luminate RCE Yahoo! / Verizon Media Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2018-07-192023-06-13
4655Unauth meetings access Authorization flaw Logic flaw Google Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2018-08-062023-06-13
4635Another "TicketTrick" story Ticket Trick Logic flaw Uber Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2018-08-142023-06-13
4575Shopify Athena Bug Authorization flaw Information disclosure Shopify Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2018-09-202023-06-13
4284Exploiting Google Calendars Authorization flaw Information disclosure Uber Shopify Netflix Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2019-02-222023-06-13
4193Scary Tickets😨 Ticket Trick NA Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2019-04-192023-06-13
3651Blind XSS against a Googler Blind XSS Google Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2020-02-232023-06-13
3502G Suite - Device Management XSS XSS Google Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2020-05-052023-06-13
3501Multiple XSS Stored XSS Google Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2020-05-052023-06-13
3500Stored XSS on biz.waze.com XSS Google (Waze) Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2020-05-052023-06-13
2751RocketChat - Unauthenticated access to messages Authorization flaw Rocket.Chat Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2021-03-012023-06-13
2653Auth Issues Authentication flaw Logic flaw Google Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2021-04-092023-06-13
2049RocketChat - Monitor User Messages Authorization flaw Rocket.Chat Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2021-11-252023-06-13
1305Exploiting GitHub Actions on open source projects RCE Elastic Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2022-07-262023-06-13