
Check The Published Writeups

3526XSS in Peerio 2 Windows Application (Write Up) XSS Peerio Evan Ricafort (@evanricafort) Bug Bounty2020-04-242023-06-13
3525Fun With CORS Misconfiguration — II CORS misconfiguration XSS NA Aman Gupta (@gupt4j1) Bug Bounty2020-04-252023-06-13
35241-click RCE on Keybase RCE Keybase smaury (@smaury92) Bug Bounty2020-04-272023-06-13
3523Bitrix WAF bypass Reflected XSS Mail.ru Roma Ramazanoff (@r0hack) Bug Bounty2020-04-272023-06-13
3522Beware of the GIF: Account Takeover Vulnerability in Microsoft Teams Account takeover Subdomain takeover Microsoft Omer Tsarfati (@OmerTsarfati) Bug Bounty2020-04-272023-06-13
3521Piercing the Veal: Short Stories to Read with Friends SSRF DuckDuckGo d0nut (@d0nutptr) Bug Bounty2020-04-272023-06-13
3519Recon to Sensitive Information Disclosure in Minutes Information disclosure Outdated component with a known vulnerability NA Harsh Bothra (@harshbothra_) Bug Bounty2020-04-282023-06-13
3518Indirect UXSS issue on a private Android target app Universal XSS NA Kunal pandey (@kunalp94) Bug Bounty2020-04-292023-06-13
3516Account taken over in style !!! Logic flaw CSRF Account takeover NA kishore hariram (@kishorehariram) Bug Bounty2020-04-302023-06-13
3515[Bug Bounty Writeups] Exploiting SQL Injection Vulnerability SQL injection NA Ahmed ElTijani Bug Bounty2020-04-302023-06-13
3514Researching Polymorphic Images for XSS on Google Scholar Stored XSS Google Lorenzo Stella (@lorenzostella) Bug Bounty2020-04-302023-06-13
3513Hacking Razer Pay Ewallet App IDOR Razer Richard Tan (@sambal0x) Bug Bounty2020-04-302023-06-13
3512The Story of Blind SSRF leads to internal Host discovery. SSRF NA kaustubh padwad (@s3curityb3ast) Bug Bounty2020-05-012023-06-13
3511Ok Google! bypass flag_secure’ Authorization flaw Google Pankaj Upadhyay (@_pupadhyay) Bug Bounty2020-05-012023-06-13
3508Blind SSRF on coda.io SSRF Coda Kleiton Kurti (@kleiton0x7e) Bug Bounty2020-05-022023-06-13
3507Reflected XSS on Microsoft.com via Angular Js template injection CSTI XSS Microsoft Pratik Dabhi (@impratikdabhi) Bug Bounty2020-05-022023-06-13
3506Private Dashboards were accessible by other Admins in Analytics Dashboard Authorization flaw Meta / Facebook Rohit kumar (@rohitcoder) Bug Bounty2020-05-022023-06-13
3505#BugBounty — Adding Money Using Response Modification Payment tampering Logic flaw NA Line_no 6 Bug Bounty2020-05-032023-06-13
3504DOM XSS in Gmail with a little help from Chrome DOM XSS Google Enguerran Gillier (@opnsec) Bug Bounty2020-05-032023-06-13
3503Cool paste jacking attack earned me $$$ Paste jacking NA Aman Rawat (@theamanrawat) Bug Bounty2020-05-042023-06-13
3502G Suite - Device Management XSS XSS Google Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2020-05-052023-06-13
3501Multiple XSS Stored XSS Google Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2020-05-052023-06-13
3500Stored XSS on biz.waze.com XSS Google (Waze) Rojan Rijal (@uraniumhacker) Bug Bounty2020-05-052023-06-13
3499A tale of verbose error message and a JWT token Information disclosure Authorization flaw NA Marek Geleta (@marek_geleta) Bug Bounty2020-05-052023-06-13
3498Google Acquisition XSS (Apigee) XSS Google TnMch (@TnMch_) Bug Bounty2020-05-062023-06-13