Check The Published Writeups
WDB | Title | Tags | Programs | Authors | Type | Publication | Added |
4702 | CVE-2016-3473 | XXE | NA | hateshape (@hateshaped) | Bug Bounty | 2018-07-06 | 2023-06-13 |
4701 | CVE-2018-8819 | XXE | NA | hateshape (@hateshaped) | Bug Bounty | 2018-07-07 | 2023-06-13 |
3939 | Super Glamorous Recon with Intended Functionalities | SSTI XSS | NA | hateshape (@hateshaped) | Bug Bounty | 2019-09-06 | 2023-06-13 |
2563 | CVE-2020-35580 | LFI | NA | hateshape (@hateshaped) | Bug Bounty | 2021-05-11 | 2023-06-13 |