
Check The Published Writeups

3109We Hacked Apple for 3 Months: Here’s What We Found RCE Authentication bypass Authorization bypass SSRF XXE Blind XSS IDOR OS command injection SQL injection Apple Sam Curry (@samwcyo) Bug Bounty2020-10-072023-06-13
3016Out of Band XXE in an E-commerce IOS app XXE NA Gaurang Bhatnagar (@0xgaurang) Bug Bounty2020-11-192023-06-13
2603WordPress 5.7 XXE Vulnerability XXE WordPress Sonar (@SonarSource) Bug Bounty2021-04-272023-06-13
2593My first OOB XXE exploitation XXE NA Joshua Martinelle (@J0_mart) Bug Bounty2021-04-302023-06-13
2462Full Local File Read via Error Based XXE using XLIFF File XXE NA pwn.vg / Tomi (@mastomii) Bug Bounty2021-06-192023-06-13
2381XXE Case Studies XXE NA cinzinga (@cinzinga_) Bug Bounty2021-07-262023-06-13
2367XXE in Public Transport Ticketing Mobile APP XXE RCE NA Nikhil (niks) (@niksthehacker) Bug Bounty2021-07-302023-06-13
2358Blind XXE Leads to Internal Port Scanning Through SSRF XXE SSRF NA Sam Paredes (@caffeinevulns) Bug Bounty2021-08-012023-06-13
2335Multiple Vulnerabilities In cPanel/WHM XXE Stored XSS Privilege escalation CSRF Cross-Site WebSocket Hijacking (CSWH) cPanel Adrian Tiron (@adrian__t) Bug Bounty2021-08-102023-06-13
2179Ping%27ing XMLSec XSLT XXE Ping Netflix Paypal An Trinh (@_tint0) Bug Bounty2021-09-302023-06-13
2136CVE-2021-2471 MySQL JDBC XXE XXE Oracle (MySQL) pyn3rd (@pyn3rd) Bug Bounty2021-10-212023-06-13
2115A journey from XML External Entity (XXE) to NTLM hashes! XXE NA Shubham Chaskar (@chaskar_shubham) Bug Bounty2021-10-282023-06-13
1915XXE in SAML SSO Writeup - Bug Bounty XXE NA Aditya Singh / rook1337 (@imrook1337) Bug Bounty2022-01-162023-06-13
1726SSD Advisory – Exchange Server GetWacInfo Information Disclosure Vulnerability XXE Information disclosure Microsoft Alex Birnberg (@alexbirnberg) Bug Bounty2022-03-152023-06-13
1487Autodesk Fusion 360 <= 2.0.12887 “Insert SVG” Blind XXE XXE Autodesk Giulio %27linset%27 Casciaro (@Lins3t) Bug Bounty2022-06-092023-06-13
1411CVE-2022-28219: Unauthenticated XXE to RCE and Domain Compromise in ManageEngine ADAudit Plus XXE SSRF RCE Zoho Naveen Sunkavally Bug Bounty2022-06-292023-06-13
1339Write-up: BlogEngine .NET - 0day Discovery Path traversal XXE BlogEngine .NET Jake McCallum (@0xLanks) Bug Bounty2022-07-192023-06-13
1122Exploiting Out-of-Band XXE in the Wild XXE SSRF NA Mahmoud Youssef (@0xmahmoudjo0) Bug Bounty2022-09-062023-06-13
1086Data Exfiltration through Blind XXE on PDF Generator Blind XXE WAF bypass NA Arben Shala (@arbennsh) Bug Bounty2022-09-132023-06-13
972Pwning ManageEngine — From Endpoint to Exploit: A deep dive into CVE-2021–42847 Arbitrary file write XXE RCE Zoho Erik Wynter (@WynterErik) Bug Bounty2022-10-122023-06-13
933Second Order XXE Exploitation XXE Arbitrary file read NA Kuldeep Pandya (@kuldeepdotexe) Bug Bounty2022-10-192023-06-13
688Missing Bricks: Finding Security Holes in LEGO APIs XSS XXE LEGO Shiran Yodev Bug Bounty2022-12-152023-06-13
685CVE-2022-42710: A journey through XXE to Stored-XSS Stored XSS XXE Security code review Linear Omar Hashem (@OmarHashem666) Bug Bounty2022-12-162023-06-13
578XML Security in Java XXE Billion laugh attack DoS NA Pieter De Cremer (@0xDC0DE) Bug Bounty2023-01-172023-06-13
465Vulnerabilities due to XML files processing: XXE in C# applications in theory and in practice XXE BlogEngine.NET Sergey Vasiliev (@_SergVasiliev_) Bug Bounty2023-02-112023-06-13