
Check The Published Writeups

165Compromising Garmin’s Sport Watches: A Deep Dive into GarminOS and its MonkeyC Virtual Machine IoT Memory corruption Buffer Overflow Integer overflow Out-of-bounds Read Out-of-bounds Write Type confusion Permission bypass Reverse engineering Garmin Tao Sauvage Bug Bounty2023-04-212023-06-13
163How careless default credentials impact to massive account takeover Authentication bypass Account takeover Weak credentials NA M Maulana Abdullah Bug Bounty2023-04-222023-06-13
161No Portals Needed MFA bypass Security misconfiguration NA Chen Levy Ben Aroy Bug Bounty2023-04-242023-06-13
158CVE-2023-27524: Insecure Default Configuration in Apache Superset Leads to Remote Code Execution RCE Default Flask Secret Key Hardcoded credentials Apache Superset Naveen Sunkavally Bug Bounty2023-04-252023-06-13
157New high-severity vulnerability (CVE-2023-29552) discovered in the Service Location Protocol (SLP) DoS UDP spoofing Service Location Protocol (SLP) Pedro Umbelino Bug Bounty2023-04-252023-06-13
156Methodological approach to find business logic bugs Logic flaw Payment tampering IP address validation bypass NA Fady Othman (@Fady_Othman) Bug Bounty2023-04-252023-06-13
155API Misconfiguration - Algolia API Key Hardcoded API keys NA Jerry Shah (@Jerry) Bug Bounty2023-04-262023-06-13
153Finding XSS in a million websites (cPanel CVE-2023-29489) Reflected XSS Security code review cPanel Shubham Shah (@infosec_au) Bug Bounty2023-04-262023-06-13
152Git Arbitrary Configuration Injection (CVE-2023-29007) Logic flaw Arbitrary Code Execution Security code review Git André Baptista (@0xacb) Bug Bounty2023-04-262023-06-13
150Avast Anti-Virus privileged arbitrary file create on virus quarantine (CVE-2023-1585 and CVE-2023-1587) TOCTOU NULL pointer dereference Arbitrary file write Local Privilege Escalation Avast Denis Skvortcov (@Denis_Skvortcov) Bug Bounty2023-04-262023-06-13
149Microsoft Exchange Powershell Remoting Deserialization leading to RCE (CVE-2023-21707) RCE Insecure deserialization Microsoft (Exchange) Nguyễn Tiến Giang (@testanull) Bug Bounty2023-04-282023-06-13
145How I Chained an Information Disclosure Bug with SQL Injection SQL injection .git folder disclosure NA Mba-oji Chiagoziem (@g0ziem) Bug Bounty2023-04-302023-06-13
144Netflix — Bypassing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) MFA bypass Netflix Lyubomir Tsirkov (@lyubo_tsirkov) Bug Bounty2023-04-302023-06-13
142TENDA–N301-v6–(CVE-2023–29680,CVE-2023–29681) Sensitive Information Sent Over an Unencrypted Channel Tenda Mateus Pantoja Bug Bounty2023-04-302023-06-13
141Bug Bounty Writeup: Stored XSS Vulnerability WAF Bypass Stored XSS WAF bypass NA Rafael Silva "lopseg" Bug Bounty2023-05-012023-06-13
140Unauthorized access to the admin panel via leaked credentials on the WayBackMachine Information disclosure NA Arman (@M7arm4n) Bug Bounty2023-05-012023-06-13
139Azure Devops CICD Pipelines - Command Injection With Parameters, Variables And A Discussion On Runner Hijacking CI/CD OS command injection RCE Microsoft (Azure DevOps Pipelines) Sana Oshika (@bigshika) Bug Bounty2023-05-012023-06-13
134CVE-2023-28231: RCE In The Microsoft Windows DHCPv6 Service RCE Buffer Overflow Memory corruption Microsoft (Windows) Guy Lederfein (@glederfein) Bug Bounty2023-05-022023-06-13
133How do I Bypass Payment when a Subscription ends so I don’t have to pay for my subscription Payment bypass Logic flaw NA Aidil Arief Bug Bounty2023-05-022023-06-13
131Exploiting misconfigured Google Cloud Service Accounts from GitHub Actions OpenID Connect Cloud CI/CD NA Revblock (@revbl0ck) Bug Bounty2023-05-022023-06-13
130When you%27re so bored, you start debugging someone else%27s code: bug hunting in a random Cloud-Native project SSTI RCE Foreman ONSEC.io Research Team Bug Bounty2023-05-032023-06-13
129Automating SQL Injection On Encrypted Request SQL injection Client-side encryption bypass NA Janirudransh Bug Bounty2023-05-032023-06-13
128Accessing Admin Dashboard in 5 seconds: Hall of Fame. Default credentials NA Sumedh Dawadi Bug Bounty2023-05-032023-06-13
127The Art of Information Disclosure: A Deep Dive into CVE-2022-37985, a Unique Information Disclosure Vulnerability in Windows Graphics Component Out-of-bounds Read Memory corruption Microsoft (Windows) Bing Sun Bug Bounty2023-05-032023-06-13
126CVE-2023-25394 - VideoStream Local Privilege Escalation Local Privilege Escalation Videostream Dan Revah (@danrevah) Bug Bounty2023-05-032023-06-13