
Check The Published Writeups

5249A Tale of 7 Vulnerabilities Stored XSS Reflected XSS Default credentials Privilege escalation Paypal Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2014-04-202023-06-13
4956How I hacked all the [REDACT] Agents accounts Default credentials NA Neeraj Sonaniya (@neeraj_sonaniya) Bug Bounty2017-10-172023-06-13
4646From TOMCAT to NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM Default credentials NA Rahul R Bug Bounty2018-08-092023-06-13
4019Pwning child company to get access to ParentCompany%27s Slack Team SQL injection Default credentials NA Parth Malhotra (@Parth_Malhotra)< Bug Bounty2019-07-232023-06-13
3847A simple post auth bypass leads to unauthorized web server access Default credentials NA Hein Thant Zin (@H3Lowr) Bug Bounty2019-11-082023-06-13
3004SD-PWN Part 4 — VMware VeloCloud — The Last Takeover RCE Authentication bypass Default credentials SQL injection Path traversal LFI VMware Realmode Labs (@RealmodeLabs) Bug Bounty2020-11-262023-06-13
2774Grafana Admin Panel bypass in Google Acquisition(VirusTotal) Default credentials Google Jayateertha Guruprasad (@JayateerthaG) Bug Bounty2021-02-222023-06-13
2403RCE via WebDav - Power Of PUT Default credentials RCE NA Jerry Shah (@Jerry) Bug Bounty2021-07-182023-06-13
2283Bug Bounty: “My Remote Code Execution” Default credentials RCE NA 0xJin (@0xJin) Bug Bounty2021-08-292023-06-13
1897How I got access to 25+ Tesla’s around the world. By accident. And curiosity. Default credentials Tesla David Colombo (@david_colombo_) Bug Bounty2022-01-232023-06-13
1546Variant Cloud Analysis Default credentials NA jspin (@jespinhara) Bug Bounty2022-05-182023-06-13
1510DOMAIN ADMIN Compromise in 3 HOURS Default credentials NA popalltheshells Bug Bounty2022-05-292023-06-13
1502How I Mass hunt for Admin Panel Access…🤩 Default credentials Gemeente Delft (The City of Delft) Ratnadip Gajbhiye (@scspcommunity) Bug Bounty2022-06-022023-06-13
1500How Attacker could have suffocated the company staff Default credentials NA Muhammad Abdullah Bug Bounty2022-06-052023-06-13
878How I Get 5x Swag From Sony DOM XSS Directory listing Default credentials Information disclosure Sony Naeem Ahmed Sayed (@0xNaeem) Bug Bounty2022-11-022023-06-13
816Security concerns with the e-Tugra certificate authority Default credentials Exposed registration page e-Tugra Ian Carroll (@iangcarroll) Bug Bounty2022-11-172023-06-13
624Access to page with default credentials that require authenticate $$$. Default credentials NA Adham sayed (doosec101) Bug Bounty2023-01-032023-06-13
477Exploits Explained: Default Credentials Still a Problem Today Default credentials NA Popeax Bug Bounty2023-02-092023-06-13
321Default Credentials on Sony- Swag Time Hardcoded credentials Information disclosure Sony Arman (@M7arm4n) Bug Bounty2023-03-102023-06-13
265How I escalated default credentials to Remote Code Execution Default credentials RCE NA Pawan Chhabria (@heybenchmarkkk) Bug Bounty2023-03-262023-06-13
163How careless default credentials impact to massive account takeover Authentication bypass Account takeover Weak credentials NA M Maulana Abdullah Bug Bounty2023-04-222023-06-13
128Accessing Admin Dashboard in 5 seconds: Hall of Fame. Default credentials NA Sumedh Dawadi Bug Bounty2023-05-032023-06-13
77How Misconfigured and Vulnerable Devices Could Expose Your Company to Physical and Cyber Threats IoT Default credentials Internal pentest NA Arben Shala (@arbennsh) Bug Bounty2023-05-182023-06-13