
Check The Published Writeups

5234Google Bug Bounty: Nice Catch on Google Cloud Platform Live Reflected XSS Google Julien Ahrens (@MrTuxracer) Bug Bounty2014-11-202023-06-13
5206Cloudflare WAF XSS XSS Cloudflare Abdullah Hussam (@Abdulahhusam) Bug Bounty2015-11-162023-06-13
5118The Orphaned Internet – Taking Over 120K Domains via a DNS Vulnerability in AWS, Google Cloud, Rackspace and Digital Ocean Domain takeover Google Amazon Rackspace DigitalOcean Matthew Bryant (@IAmMandatory) Bug Bounty2016-12-052023-06-13
4963Subdomain Takeover Through Expired Cloudfront Distribution | live.lamborghini.co Subdomain takeover Lamborghini Muhammad Khizer Javed (@khizer_javed47) Bug Bounty2017-10-102023-06-13
4707Unauthenticated Command Injection Vulnerability in VMware NSX SD-WAN by VeloCloud OS command injection RCE VMware Brian Sullivan Bug Bounty2018-06-292023-06-13
4673How I found XSS on Amazon? XSS Amazon (CloudFront) Coding_Karma (@karma_coded) Bug Bounty2018-07-262023-06-13
4644Practical Web Cache Poisoning Web cache poisoning Mozilla HubSpot Cloudflare Binary.com Amazon (CloudFront) James Kettle (@albinowax) Bug Bounty2018-08-092023-06-13
4545Bypassing Web Cache Poisoning Countermeasures Web cache poisoning Cloudflare James Kettle (@albinowax) Bug Bounty2018-10-052023-06-13
4480[DOM based XSS] Or why you should not rely on Cloudflare too much DOM XSS NA KatsuragiCSL (@ZuuitterE) Bug Bounty2018-11-132023-06-13
4421How i was able to pwned application by Bypassing Cloudflare WAF WAF bypass NA gujjuboy10x00 (@vis_hacker) Bug Bounty2018-12-122023-06-13
4341How I abused 2FA to maintain persistence after a password change (Google, Microsoft, Instagram, Cloudflare, etc) Logic flaw Authentication flaw Google Microsoft Meta / Facebook Luke Berner Bug Bounty2019-01-252023-06-13
4329$7.5k Google Cloud Platform organization issue Logic flaw Google Ezequiel Pereira (@epereiralopez) Bug Bounty2019-01-302023-06-13
4183Getting access to Zendesk’s Google Cloud and Artifactory from GitHub dotfile repos Information disclosure Zendesk Ruby Nealon (@_ruby) Bug Bounty2019-04-232023-06-13
4180The journey of Web Cache + Firewall Bypass to SSRF to AWS credentials compromise! LFI SSRF WAF bypass Cloudflare bypass NA Avinash Jain (@logicbomb_1) Bug Bounty2019-04-252023-06-13
4160Subdomain takeover [Awarded $200] Subdomain takeover ownCloud Friendly (@SkeletorKeys) Bug Bounty2019-05-072023-06-13
3946Google Cloud Blog platform vulnerability XSS Google Alexandru Coltuneac (@dekeeu) Bug Bounty2019-09-012023-06-13
3869CPDoS: Cache Poisoned Denial of Service DoS Web cache poisoning Microsoft Amazon Akamai Cloudflare Yahoo! / Verizon Media Play Framework Hoai Viet Nguyen (@hvnguyen86) Bug Bounty2019-10-222023-06-13
37794 Google Cloud Shell bugs explained RCE Google wtm@offensi.com (@wtm_offensi) Bug Bounty2019-12-162023-06-13
3772[Google VRP] SSRF in Google Cloud Platform StackDriver SSRF Google Ron Chan (@ngalongc) Bug Bounty2019-12-192023-06-13
3750How I made $7500 from My First Bug Bounty Found on Google Cloud Platform Logic flaw Google James Grunewald Bug Bounty2019-12-292023-06-13
3725In Cloud we “Trust”: Wrong Kubernetes implementation by Google Cloud Platform & Microsoft Azure affecting customers Old components with known vulnerabilities Microsoft Google Chen Cohen (@chencococococo) Bug Bounty2020-01-122023-06-13
3462RCE in Google Cloud Deployment Manager SSRF RCE Google Ezequiel Pereira (@epereiralopez) Bug Bounty2020-05-212023-06-13
3424Privilege Escalation in Google Cloud Platform%27s OS Login Privilege escalation Google Chris Moberly (@init_string) Bug Bounty2020-06-042023-06-13
3422Three Privilege Escalation Bugs in Google Cloud Platform’s OS Login Local Privilege Escalation Cloud Google initstring (@init_string) Bug Bounty2020-06-042023-06-13
3251Vulnerability in new TouchID feature put iCloud accounts at risk of being breached OAuth Account takeover Apple Thijs Alkemade (@xnyhps) Bug Bounty2020-08-032023-06-13