
Check The Published Writeups

4421How i was able to pwned application by Bypassing Cloudflare WAF WAF bypass NA gujjuboy10x00 (@vis_hacker) Bug Bounty2018-12-122023-06-13
4180The journey of Web Cache + Firewall Bypass to SSRF to AWS credentials compromise! LFI SSRF WAF bypass Cloudflare bypass NA Avinash Jain (@logicbomb_1) Bug Bounty2019-04-252023-06-13
4120Unicode vs WAF — XSS WAF Bypass XSS NA Prial Islam Khan (@prial261) Bug Bounty2019-06-052023-06-13
4103Bug Bounty - Information Disclosure through error message + WAF Bypass led to Local File Inclusion WAF bypass LFI Information disclosure NA Λявєη (@spenkkkkk) Bug Bounty2019-06-152023-06-13
3523Bitrix WAF bypass Reflected XSS Mail.ru Roma Ramazanoff (@r0hack) Bug Bounty2020-04-272023-06-13
2923Nick%27s infrequently updated blog WAF bypass IP spoofing Cloudflare Nick Booher Bug Bounty2021-01-062023-06-13
2646Bug Bounty - Information Disclosure through error message + WAF Bypass led to Local File Inclusion LFI Information disclosure NA Arben Shala (@arbennsh) Bug Bounty2021-04-132023-06-13
2400How I Bypassed a tough WAF to steal user cookies using XSS! XSS WAF bypass NA Asem Eleraky (@melotover) Bug Bounty2021-07-192023-06-13
2285SSRF External Service Interaction for Find Real IP CloudFlare and Leads to SQL Injection WAF bypass SSRF SQL injection NA Caesar Evan Santoso Bug Bounty2021-08-282023-06-13
2264chaining bugs from self XSS to account takeover Self-XSS WAF bypass CSRF Account takeover NA Behnam Yazdanpanah (@abhiunix) Bug Bounty2021-09-022023-06-13
2139A Scientific Notation Bug in MySQL left AWS WAF Clients Vulnerable to SQL Injection SQL injection WAF bypass AWS Marc Olivier Bergeron Bug Bounty2021-10-192023-06-13
1978How I was able to bypass WAF and find the origin IP and a few sensitive files WAF bypass NA Jan Muhammad Zaidi (@hasanakajan) Bug Bounty2021-12-222023-06-13
1852Bypassing the AWS WAF protection with an 8KB bullet WAF bypass AWS Kloudle (@Kloudleinc) Bug Bounty2022-02-032023-06-13
1799Bypassing Cloudflare’s WAF! XSS WAF bypass NA Friendly (@SkeletorKeys) Bug Bounty2022-02-192023-06-13
1785Piercing the Cloud Armor - The 8KB bypass in Google Cloud Platform WAF WAF bypass Google Kloudle (@Kloudleinc) Bug Bounty2022-02-242023-06-13
1734From Recon via Censys and DNSdumpster, to Getting P1 by Login Using Weak Password – “password” WAF bypass Weak credentials NA YoKo Kho (@YokoAcc) Bug Bounty2022-03-142023-06-13
1594Bypassing WAF for $2222 WAF bypass Path traversal NA Divyansh Sharma Bug Bounty2022-04-272023-06-13
1563ResolveURI RXSS Imperva Waf Bypass XSS NA Ahsan Shahid (@hunter0x8) Bug Bounty2022-05-102023-06-13
1508How to find & access Admin Panel by digging into JS files…🥰 Weak credentials WAF bypass NA Ratnadip Gajbhiye (@scspcommunity) Bug Bounty2022-05-302023-06-13
1402($$$) Origin ip to account takeover WAF bypass Password reset Host header injection Account takeover NA Hemant Kumar Bug Bounty2022-07-022023-06-13
1320Deep understand ASPX file handling and some related attack vectors Local Privilege Escalation WAF bypass Microsoft Rskvp93 (@rskvp93) Bug Bounty2022-07-252023-06-13
1280Came looking for SSRF and found XSS XSS WAF bypass NA Ibrahim Radi (@ibraradi9) Bug Bounty2022-08-042023-06-13
1266Bypassed Cloudflare’s Web Application Firewall (WAF) XSS HTML injection WAF bypass NA Ansh Vaid (@anshvaid4) Bug Bounty2022-08-092023-06-13
1228XSS via Angular Template Injection CSTI XSS WAF bypass NA Bartłomiej Bergier (@_bergee_) Bug Bounty2022-08-132023-06-13
1161Bypassing Amazon WAF to pop an alert() WAF bypass XSS NA Manash (@manash036) Bug Bounty2022-08-292023-06-13