
Check The Published Writeups

2608Supply Chain Attacks via GitHub.com Releases Logic flaw GitHub Nightwatch Cybersecurity (@nightwatchcyber) Bug Bounty2021-04-252023-06-13
2596PHP Supply Chain Attack on Composer Argument injection RCE Supply chain attack Security code review Packagist Thomas Chauchefoin (@swapgs) Bug Bounty2021-04-292023-06-13
2048WordPress Plugin Confusion: How an update can get you pwned Supply chain attack WordPress plugin confusion WordPress theme confusion NA Kamil Vavra (@vavkamil) Bug Bounty2021-11-252023-06-13
1856Malicious Kubernetes Helm Charts can be used to steal sensitive information from Argo CD deployments Supply chain attack CI/CD Argo CD Apiiro’s Security Research Bug Bounty2022-02-032023-06-13
1845Insecure Bootstrap Process in Oracle Cloud CLI Supply chain attack Oracle Nightwatch Cybersecurity (@nightwatchcyber) Bug Bounty2022-02-062023-06-13
1826"Zero-Days" Without Incident - Compromising Angular via Expired npm Publisher Email Domains Supply chain attack GitHub Matthew Bryant (@IAmMandatory) Bug Bounty2022-02-112023-06-13
1002Securing Developer Tools: A New Supply Chain Attack on PHP Argument injection RCE Supply chain attack Security code review Packagist Thomas Chauchefoin (@swapgs) Bug Bounty2022-10-042023-06-13
970Threat Alert: Private npm Packages Disclosed via Timing Attacks Timing attack Supply chain attack GitHub Yakir Kadkoda Bug Bounty2022-10-122023-06-13
902Attacking The Software Supply Chain With A Simple Rename Repojacking Supply chain attack GitHub Aviad Gershon (@aviadgershon) Bug Bounty2022-10-262023-06-13
899Hijacking AUR Packages by Searching for Expired Domains Subdomain takeover Supply chain attack NA Joren Vrancken Bug Bounty2022-10-262023-06-13
750Novel Pipeline Vulnerability Discovered; Rust Found Vulnerable Supply chain attack GitHub Rust Noam Dotan Bug Bounty2022-12-012023-06-13
334Subdomain Takeover: How a Misconfigured DNS Record Could Lead to a Huge Supply Chain Attack Subdomain takeover Supply chain attack GitHub Gal Nagli (@naglinagli) Bug Bounty2023-03-082023-06-13
249Remote Code Execution Vulnerability in Azure Pipelines Can Lead To Software Supply Chain Attack RCE CI/CD Supply chain attack Microsoft (Azure Pipelines) Nadav Noy Bug Bounty2023-03-302023-06-13
212Hijacking Arch Linux Packages by Repo Jacking GitHub Repositories Repojacking Supply chain attack NA Joren Vrancken Bug Bounty2023-04-102023-06-13
211CVE-2023-1767 - Stored XSS on Snyk Advisor service can allow full fabrication of npm packages health score Stored XSS Markdown XSS Supply chain attack Snyk Gal Weizman (@WeizmanGal) Bug Bounty2023-04-102023-06-13
182#BrokenSesame: Accidental write’ permissions to private registry allowed potential RCE to Alibaba Cloud Database Services Cloud RCE Container escape Kubernetes Privilege escalation Lateral movement Supply chain attack Cross-tenant vulnerability Alibaba Ronen Shustin (@ronenshh) Bug Bounty2023-04-192023-06-13
164Stealing GitHub staff%27s access token via GitHub Actions CI/CD Token leak Privilege escalation Supply chain attack GitHub RyotaK (@ryotkak) Bug Bounty2023-04-222023-06-13