
Check The Published Writeups

814[RE:SCRUTINY] Delay Then Migrate Your Meterpreter Internal pentest Lateral movement NA RE:HACK (@rehackxyz) Bug Bounty2022-11-172023-06-13
449Assumed Breach Assessment Case Study: Uncovering WeSecureApp’s Approach Internal pentest Missing authentication Hardcoded credentials Cloud NA WeSecureApp (@wesecureapp) Bug Bounty2023-02-142023-06-13
271Finding Initial Access on a real life Penetration Test Old components with known vulnerabilities Internal pentest RCE NA Warren Butterworth (@w88ugs) Bug Bounty2023-03-232023-06-13
242Protected Users: you thought you were safe uh? Active Directory Kerberos NTLM Internal pentest Microsoft (Windows) Aurélien CHALOT (@Defte_) Bug Bounty2023-03-312023-06-13
167From BitLocker-Suspended to Virtual Machine Internal pentest NA Reino Mostert Bug Bounty2023-04-212023-06-13
113IPv6 DNS Takeover via mitm6 (Write Up) MiTM IPv6 DNS takeover Misconfigured LDAP server Internal pentest NA Evan Ricafort (@evanricafort) Bug Bounty2023-05-082023-06-13
84From DA to EA with ESC5 Active Directory Privilege Escalation Internal pentest NA Andy Robbins (@_wald0) Bug Bounty2023-05-172023-06-13
77How Misconfigured and Vulnerable Devices Could Expose Your Company to Physical and Cyber Threats IoT Default credentials Internal pentest NA Arben Shala (@arbennsh) Bug Bounty2023-05-182023-06-13
49Anonymised Penetration Test Report Internal pentest RCE ADCS Active Directory Kerberos DHCPv6 LLMNR NA Volkis (@VolkisAU) Bug Bounty2023-05-282023-06-13