
Check The Published Writeups

5212Hacking Facebook Pages Authorization flaw Privilege escalation Broken Access Control Meta / Facebook Laxman Muthiyah (@LaxmanMuthiyah) Bug Bounty2015-08-262023-06-13
5200Broken Access Control in bingmapsportal !!! Broken Access Control Microsoft Sai Krishna Kothapalli (@kmskrishna) Bug Bounty2016-01-232023-06-13
4051Tale of account takeover — Sensitive info Disclosure + Broken Access Control IDOR Account takeover NA Md Saqib (@sakyb7) Bug Bounty2019-07-102023-06-13
3801Dank Writeup On Broken Access Control On An Indian Startup Unrestricted file upload Authorization flaw NA Divyanshu Shukla (@justm0rph3u5) Bug Bounty2019-11-302023-06-13
3697How I get my first SWAG from SIDN (Sensitive Data Expose) Broken Access Control Information disclosure SIDN Mehedi Hasan Remon (@mehedi1194) Bug Bounty2020-01-292023-06-13
3466Easy bounties with subdomain discovery - Using Project Sonar for bug bounty Broken access control Authorization flaw Bpost Torben Capiau (@TorbenCapiau) Bug Bounty2020-05-202023-06-13
3083300$ P3 Easy Bug in 30 Seconds Missing authentication Broken Access Control NA Omar Hamdy (@seaman00o) Bug Bounty2020-10-222023-06-13
3066Hinge Hackerone Writeup Broken Access Control Hinge Tyle Butler (@tbutler0x90) Bug Bounty2020-10-312023-06-13
3026Optimizing Hunting Results in VDP for use in Bug Bounty Programs - From Sensitive Information Disclosure to Accessing Hidden APIs which can be used to Retrieve Customer Data Information disclosure Broken access control IDOR SQL injection NA YoKo Kho (@YokoAcc) Bug Bounty2020-11-152023-06-13
2964JavaScript analysis leading to Admin portal access Authorization flaw Broken Access Control NA Rikesh Baniya / NotRickyy (@rikeshbaniya) Bug Bounty2020-12-162023-06-13
2958Broken Access Control on samsung.com subdomain leads to Mass Account Takeover of Samsung employees application accounts Information disclosure Account takeover Authorization flaw Samsung Gal Nagli (@naglinagli) Bug Bounty2020-12-182023-06-13
2927Privilege Escalation: From being a normal user to admin Privilege escalation Broken Access Control NA Akshar Tank Bug Bounty2021-01-052023-06-13
2853Broken Access Control & Stored XSS - Easy Hunt Stored XSS IDOR NA Kabeer (@iTheKabeer) Bug Bounty2021-01-292023-06-13
2724Messing with GitHub%27s fork collaboration for fun and profit Broken Access Control GitHub Teddy Katz (@not_aardvark) Bug Bounty2021-03-102023-06-13
2690How I was able to see likes and dislikes count even though is hidden by victim | YouTube #2 Broken Access Control IDOR Google R ando (@Rando02355205) Bug Bounty2021-03-262023-06-13
2687How I was able to see likes and dislikes count even though is hidden by victim | YouTube #1 Broken Access Control IDOR Google R ando (@Rando02355205) Bug Bounty2021-03-282023-06-13
2682I felt like there were no more bugs left after winning € 2000 … But an email worth €750 changed my mind Broken Access Control IDOR NA Thexssrat (@theXSSrat) Bug Bounty2021-03-312023-06-13
2668Gain write permission of repositories with a bug in GitHub Actions Broken Access Control Logic flaw GitHub tyage (@tyage) Bug Bounty2021-04-022023-06-13
2621DMCA.COM Hack, Full Disclosure (With Proof-of-Concept) Privilege escalation Client-side enforcement of server-side security Stored XSS Broken Access Control DMCA Joël Aviad Ossi Bug Bounty2021-04-212023-06-13
2552Auth Bypass in https://nearbydevices-pa.googleapis.com Broken Access Control Google David Schütz (@xdavidhu) Bug Bounty2021-05-162023-06-13
2523How I hacked a Target again and again… OAuth Account takeover XSS Broken Access Control NA Aditya Verma (@0cirius0) Bug Bounty2021-05-272023-06-13
2503How I was able to see likes and dislikes count even though is hidden by victim | YouTube #3 Broken Access Control Google R ando (@Rando02355205) Bug Bounty2021-06-042023-06-13
2417Broken Access control bug : Bypassing 403’s by finding another endpoint that do the same thing. Broken Access Control 403 bypass NA tomorrowisnew (@tomorrowisnew_) Bug Bounty2021-07-122023-06-13
2273Broken Access Control Leads To Change Of Admin Details Privilege escalation Client-side enforcement of server-side security NA V3D (@v3d_bug) Bug Bounty2021-08-312023-06-13
2210Admin access !! Privilege escalation Broken Access Control NA th3.d1p4k (@DipakPanchal05) Bug Bounty2021-09-192023-06-13