
Check The Published Writeups

5094Hacking Slack using postMessage and WebSocket-reconnect to steal your precious token postMessage Violation of secure design principles Slack Frans Rosén (@fransrosen) Bug Bounty2017-02-282023-06-13
4443Exploiting post message to steal and replace user’s cookies postMessage NA Yasser Gersy (@yassergersy) Bug Bounty2018-11-302023-06-13
3418Account takeover via postMessage Account takeover postMessage NA socket (@yxw21) Bug Bounty2020-06-052023-06-13
3305Hunting postMessage Vulnerabilities postMessage DOM XSS Apple Google (Youtube) Adobe Gary O%27Leary-Steele (@garyoleary) Bug Bounty2020-07-142023-06-13
2943[Google VRP] Hijacking Google Docs Screenshots postMessage XSS Google Sreeram KL (@kl_sree) Bug Bounty2020-12-272023-06-13
2772Security and Privacy of Social Logins (II): PostMessage Security in Single Sign-On DOM XSS postMessage DOM XSS SAP The New York Times CNET Louis Jannett (@iphoneintosh) Bug Bounty2021-02-222023-06-13
2539XSS via postMessage in chat.mozilla.org XSS postMessage Mozilla Guilherme Keerok (@k33r0k) Bug Bounty2021-05-202023-06-13
2481Stealing tokens, emails, files and more in Microsoft Teams through malicious tabs postMessage Token leak Microsoft Evan Grant (@stargravy) Bug Bounty2021-06-142023-06-13
2348PostMessage Xss vulnerability on private program XSS postMessage NA Youghourta Ghannei (@YoughartaG) Bug Bounty2021-08-032023-06-13
1989Yes, fun browser extensions can have vulnerabilities too! XSS Browser extension hacking postMessage Meow Wladimir Palant (@WPalant) Bug Bounty2021-12-202023-06-13
1913Critical XSS in chrome extension XSS postMessage NA p3rr0 (@Hperalta89) Bug Bounty2022-01-172023-06-13
1791OAuth and PostMessage - Chaining misconfigurations for your access token. OAuth postMessage Token leak NA Suraj Disoja (@ninetyn1ne_) Bug Bounty2022-02-212023-06-13
1611Adobe Acrobat hollowing out same-origin policy XSS SOP bypass Open redirect postMessage Adobe Wladimir Palant (@WPalant) Bug Bounty2022-04-192023-06-13
1237DOM Cross-Site Scripting Via postMessage in AnnounceKit DOM XSS Announcekit Lorenzo Stella (@lorenzostella) Bug Bounty2022-08-122023-06-13
751XSS on account.leagueoflegends.com via easyXDM [2016] XSS postMessage Riot Games Luke Young (@TheBoredEng) Bug Bounty2022-12-012023-06-13
590XSS using postMessage in Google Cloud Theia notebooks [Google VRP] XSS postMessage Google Sreeram KL (@kl_sree) Bug Bounty2023-01-152023-06-13
498postMessage DOM XSS vulnerability in Gartner Peer Insights widget postMessage DOM XSS Gartner Gradle LogRhythm SentinelOne Synopsys Veeam Vodafone Black Kite ReversingLabs Tata Communications Justin Steven (@justinsteven) Bug Bounty2023-02-042023-06-13
360How Your NFTs Could Have Been Stolen in Just One Click postMessage GraphQL NA PermaSecure (@PermaSecure) Bug Bounty2023-03-032023-06-13
122A smorgasbord of a bug chain: postMessage, JSONP, WAF bypass, DOM-based XSS, CORS, CSRF… postMessage JSONP DOM XSS CORS misconfiguration CSRF WAF bypass NA Julien Cretel (@jub0bs) Bug Bounty2023-05-052023-06-13
118CSS Injection via PostMessages to stealing Credit Card Info postMessage CSS injection NA Castilho (@castilho101) Bug Bounty2023-05-052023-06-13
47XSS in WordPress via open embed auto discovery XSS postMessage WordPress Jakub Żoczek (@zoczus) Bug Bounty2023-05-292023-06-13