
Check The Published Writeups

3256CVE-2020–9854: "Unauthd" MacOS Local Privilege Escalation SIP bypass Apple (macOS) Ilias Morad (@A2nkF_) Bug Bounty2020-08-012023-06-13
2113Microsoft finds new macOS vulnerability, Shrootless, that could bypass System Integrity Protection SIP bypass Local Privilege Escalation Apple Microsoft Security Vulnerability Research (MSVR) Bug Bounty2021-10-282023-06-13
1887Technical Analysis of CVE-2022-22583: Bypassing macOS System Integrity Protection (SIP) MacOS SIP bypass Apple Perception Point Bug Bounty2022-01-272023-06-13
1313CVE-2022-26712: The POC for SIP-Bypass Is Even Tweetable MacOS SIP bypass Apple Mickey Jin (@patch1t) Bug Bounty2022-07-262023-06-13
837CVE-2019-8561: A Hard-to-Banish PackageKit Framework Vulnerability in macOS MacOS Local Privilege Escalation SIP bypass Apple Mickey Jin (@patch1t) Bug Bounty2022-11-112023-06-13
672Diving into an Old Exploit Chain and Discovering 3 new SIP-Bypass Vulnerabilities MacOS Local Privilege Escalation SIP bypass Apple (macOS) Mickey Jin (@patch1t) Bug Bounty2022-12-202023-06-13
670A Technical Analysis of CVE-2022-22583 and CVE-2022-32800 MacOS Local Privilege Escalation SIP bypass Apple (macOS) Mickey Jin (@patch1t) Bug Bounty2022-12-212023-06-13
595Bad things come in large packages: .pkg signature verification bypass on macOS Local Privilege Escalation GateKeeper bypass SIP bypass MacOS Apple Sector 7 (@sector7_nl) Bug Bounty2023-01-132023-06-13
43New macOS vulnerability, Migraine, could bypass System Integrity Protection SIP bypass Apple (macOS) Jonathan Bar Or (@yo_yo_yo_jbo) Bug Bounty2023-05-302023-06-13