
Check The Published Writeups

5002Secure Your Jenkins Instance Or Hackers Will Force You To! (Snapchat’s $5,000 Vulnerability) RCE LFI Exposed Jenkins instance Snapchat Ben Sadeghipour (@nahamsec) Bug Bounty2017-08-222023-06-13
4890My Research on Misconfigured Jenkins Servers Information disclosure Missing authentication Exposed Jenkins instance Google Tesco Pearson News Uk Mikail Tunç (@emtunc) Bug Bounty2018-01-182023-06-13
4604RCE Unsecure Jenkins Instance | Bug Bounty POC RCE Exposed Jenkins instance NA Muhammad Khizer Javed (@khizer_javed47) Bug Bounty2018-09-072023-06-13
4563#BugBounty — From finding Jenkins instance to Command Execution.Secure your Jenkins Instance! RCE Exposed Jenkins instance NA Avinash Jain (@logicbomb_1) Bug Bounty2018-09-272023-06-13
4049Story of my Biggest Bounty ever : Command Execution on Jenkins RCE Exposed Jenkins instance NA Jay Jani (@JayJani007) Bug Bounty2019-07-112023-06-13
3942Exposed Jenkins to RCE on 8 Adobe Experience Managers RCE Exposed Jenkins instance NA Corben Leo (@hacker_) Bug Bounty2019-09-042023-06-13
1268From Shodan to RCE: That one time I hacked a Fortune 500 company. Missing authentication Arbitrary file read RCE Exposed Jenkins instance NA vimanari_ (@vimanari_) Bug Bounty2022-08-082023-06-13
874Chaining Multiple Vulnerabilities Leads to Remote Code Execution (RCE) on One of the Payment Service Companies. Exposed registration page Exposed Jenkins instance Weak credentials RCE NA Rohit Soni (@streetofhacker) Bug Bounty2022-11-022023-06-13
48The 30000$ Bounty Affair. RCE Missing authentication Exposed Jenkins instance NA Gokulsspace (@GokTest) Bug Bounty2023-05-282023-06-13