
Check The Published Writeups

4484Clickjacking on Google MyAccount Worth 7,500$ Clickjacking Google apapedulimu / Nosa Shandy (@LocalHost31337) Bug Bounty2018-11-112023-06-13
4483OLX Reflected XSS on Resend Code link !! Reflected XSS OLX Harshad Gaikwad (@h4rsh4d) Bug Bounty2018-11-122023-06-13
4482Chain exploitation of XSS DOM XSS Clickjacking CSRF NA Mikhail Klyuchnikov (@__Mn1__) Bug Bounty2018-11-122023-06-13
4481Patched Facebook Vulnerability Could Have Exposed Private Information About You and Your Friends CSRF Information disclosure Meta / Facebook Ron Masas (@RonMasas) Bug Bounty2018-11-132023-06-13
4480[DOM based XSS] Or why you should not rely on Cloudflare too much DOM XSS NA KatsuragiCSL (@ZuuitterE) Bug Bounty2018-11-132023-06-13
4479OOB XXE in PrizmDoc (CVE-2018–15805) OOB XXE PrizmDoc Nik srivastava Bug Bounty2018-11-132023-06-13
4478Spoof All Domains Containing %27d%27 in Apple Products [CVE-2018-4277] Browser hacking Apple Tencent%27s Xuanwu Lab Bug Bounty2018-11-132023-06-13
4477Breaking Appointments and Job Interview Schedules With Malformed Times DoS Meta / Facebook Max Pasqua Bug Bounty2018-11-142023-06-13
4476How I Discovered XSS that Affects around 20 Uber Subdomains XSS Uber Fady Othman (@Fady_Othman) Bug Bounty2018-11-142023-06-13
4475Facebook Vulnerability: Hiding from the view of Business Admin in the Business Manager Logic flaw Authorization flaw Meta / Facebook Ritish Kumar Singh Bug Bounty2018-11-152023-06-13
4473Creating unauthorized comments on Facebook Live Stream! Privilege escalation Authorization flaw Meta / Facebook Binit Ghimire (@WHOISbinit) Bug Bounty2018-11-162023-06-13
4472Spoofing file extensions on HackerOne Unrestricted file upload HackerOne Anurag Jain (@csanuragjain) Bug Bounty2018-11-162023-06-13
4471HackenProof Customer Story: Uklon XSS IDOR Blind XSS Account takeover Uklon HackenProof (@hackenproof) Bug Bounty2018-11-162023-06-13
4470[POC] Cross-Site Scripting on Garuda Indonesia Website XSS Garuda Indonesia Arif-ITSEC111 Bug Bounty2018-11-162023-06-13
4469XSS in hidden input fields XSS NA Gareth Heyes (@garethheyes) Bug Bounty2018-11-162023-06-13
4468Microsoft BingPlaces Business - (url) Redirect Vulnerability Open redirect Microsoft Benjamin K.M. Bug Bounty2018-11-162023-06-13
4466Bypassing “How I hacked Google’s bug tracking system itself for $15,600 in bounties.” Logic flaw Google Gopal Singh (@gopalsinghcse) Bug Bounty2018-11-172023-06-13
4465Edmodo XSS Bug XSS Edmodo Sameer Phad (@sameerphad72) Bug Bounty2018-11-182023-06-13
4464From Security Misconfiguration to Gaining Access of SMTP server File disclosure NA Daniel V. (@d4niel_v) Bug Bounty2018-11-182023-06-13
4463XSS bypass using META tag in realestate.postnl.nl XSS post.nl Prial Islam Khan (@prial261) Bug Bounty2018-11-182023-06-13
4462Youtube - Open redirection Open redirect Google Barak Tawily (@quitten11) Bug Bounty2018-11-192023-06-13
4461XS-Searching Google’s bug tracker to find out vulnerable source code XS-Search Information disclosure Google Luan Herrera (@lbherrera_) Bug Bounty2018-11-192023-06-13
4460How I Hacked Netflix users & Use it free forever Cookie injection Privilege escalation Netflix Blueberryinfosec (@bbinfosec) Bug Bounty2018-11-192023-06-13
4459How i Found Information Disclosure on Scribd.com CSRF Scribd.com Zerb0a Bug Bounty2018-11-222023-06-13
4458An interesting XXE in SAP. XXE SAP Zain Sabahat (@Zain_Sabahat) Bug Bounty2018-11-222023-06-13