
Check The Published Writeups

5248Magix Bug Bounty: magix.com (RCE, SQLi) and xara.com (LFI, XSS) RCE SQL injection LFI XSS Magix Julien Ahrens (@MrTuxracer) Bug Bounty2014-04-262023-06-13
5247Google Docs %27ClickJacking%27 (Information Disclosure) Clickjacking Google Matt Austin (@mattaustin) Bug Bounty2014-05-132023-06-13
5246Prezi (map.prezi.com) Path Traversal Path traversal Prezi Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2014-05-212023-06-13
5245ebay bug bounty Reflected XSS Ebay Matthew Bryant (@IAmMandatory) Bug Bounty2014-06-062023-06-13
5244Facebook – Stored Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) – Badges Stored XSS Meta / Facebook Brett Buerhaus (@bbuerhaus) Bug Bounty2014-06-162023-06-13
5243Flickr XSRF to Change Photo Details XSRF Flickr Abdullah Hussam (@Abdulahhusam) Bug Bounty2014-08-062023-06-13
5242Popping a shell on the Oculus developer portal SQL injection CSRF RCE IDOR Meta / Facebook Bitquark (@bitquark) Bug Bounty2014-08-312023-06-13
5241Step-by-step: exploiting SQL injection(s) in Oculus%27 website. SQL injection Meta / Facebook Josip Franjkovic (@josipfranjkovic) Bug Bounty2014-09-052023-06-13
5240Yahoo phpinfo.php disclosure Information disclosure Yahoo! / Verizon Media Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2014-10-162023-06-13
5238The 5000$ Google XSS XSS Google Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2014-10-312023-06-13
5237Paypal DOM XSS main domain DOM XSS Paypal Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2014-11-052023-06-13
5236Paypal stored XSS + Security bypass Stored XSS Paypal Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2014-11-112023-06-13
5235Reflected Cross Site Scripting BillMeLater Reflected XSS BillMeLater Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2014-11-172023-06-13
5234Google Bug Bounty: Nice Catch on Google Cloud Platform Live Reflected XSS Google Julien Ahrens (@MrTuxracer) Bug Bounty2014-11-202023-06-13
5233Reading local files from Facebook%27s server (fixed) LFI Unrestricted file upload Meta / Facebook Josip Franjkovic (@josipfranjkovic) Bug Bounty2014-12-062023-06-13
5232AliExpress XSS vulnerability - take over any seller account XSS Alibaba Barak Tawily (@quitten11) Bug Bounty2014-12-102023-06-13
5231Malicious redirect on mailroom.prezi.com Open redirect Prezi Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2014-12-102023-06-13
5230Reflected Cross Site Scripting at Paypal.com Reflected XSS Paypal Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2014-12-152023-06-13
5229How I discovered a 1000$ open redirect in Facebook Open redirect Meta / Facebook Yassine Aboukir (@Yassineaboukir) Bug Bounty2014-12-302023-06-13
5228Papyal XML Upload Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability XSS Paypal Patrik Fehrenbach (@ITSecurityguard) Bug Bounty2015-01-072023-06-13
5227Yahoo – Root Access SQL Injection – tw.yahoo.com SQL injection Yahoo! / Verizon Media Brett Buerhaus (@bbuerhaus) Bug Bounty2015-01-152023-06-13
5226vimeo IDOR ( buying pro membership & ondemand videos for 0.1$ ) IDOR Vimeo N B Sri Harsha (@nbsriharsha) Bug Bounty2015-01-162023-06-13
5225admin.google.com Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Reflected XSS Google Brett Buerhaus (@bbuerhaus) Bug Bounty2015-01-212023-06-13
5224Flickr API Explorer – Force users to execute any API request. CSRF Flickr Brett Buerhaus (@bbuerhaus) Bug Bounty2015-02-032023-06-13
5223Google.com – Mobile Feedback URL Redirect Regex/Validation Flaw Open redirect Google Brett Buerhaus (@bbuerhaus) Bug Bounty2015-02-032023-06-13