
Check The Published Writeups

1809Advisory: Cisco RV340 Dual WAN Gigabit VPN Router (RCE over LAN) RCE Unrestricted file upload OS command injection Cisco Quentin Kaiser (@QKaiser) Bug Bounty2022-02-172023-06-13
1804RCE in GitHub Desktop < 2.9.4 RCE GitHub Vladimir Metnew (@vladimir_metnew) Bug Bounty2022-02-182023-06-13
1789Write Up – Android Application Screen Lock Bypass Via ADB Brute Forcing Android Bruteforce Authentication bypass NA Omar Espino (@omespino) Bug Bounty2022-02-222023-06-13
1788CVE-2021-45467: CWP CentOS Web Panel – preauth RCE RCE LFI Arbitrary file write Centos Web Panel (CWP) Paulos Yibelo (@PaulosYibelo) Bug Bounty2022-01-222023-06-13
1781Catching bugs in VMware: Carbon Black Cloud Workload Appliance and vRealize Operations Manager Authentication bypass RCE SSRF Path traversal VMware Egor Dimitrenko (@elk0kc) Bug Bounty2022-02-252023-06-13
1779CVE-2022-22947: SpEL Casting And Evil Beans RCE Java Beans NA Wyatt Dahlenburg (@wdahlenb) Bug Bounty2022-02-262023-06-13
1777BrokenPrint: A Netgear stack overflow Memory corruption RCE Netgear Alex Plaskett (@alexjplaskett) Bug Bounty2022-02-282023-06-13
1776Pwning a Server using Markdown LFI RCE Hashnode Aditya Dixit (@zombie007o) Bug Bounty2022-02-282023-06-13
1757Log4shell in google $1337.00 Log4shell RCE Google amnotacat (@Amnotacat1) Bug Bounty2022-03-082023-06-13
1755Oracle Access Manager Pre-Auth RCE (CVE-2021–35587 Analysis) RCE Oracle Nguyễn Tiến Giang (@testanull) Bug Bounty2022-03-092023-06-13
1754SSD Advisory – NETGEAR DGND3700v2 PreAuth Root Access Authentication bypass OS command injection RCE Netgear - Bug Bounty2022-03-092023-06-13
1740How I bypassed disable_functions in php to get a remote shell RCE NA Asem Eleraky (@melotover) Bug Bounty2022-03-132023-06-13
1735Achieving Remote Code Execution via Unrestricted File Upload Unrestricted file upload RCE NA Haroon Hameed (@HaroonHameed40) Bug Bounty2022-03-142023-06-13
1727Securing Developer Tools: Git Integrations Local Privilege Escalation Microsoft JetBrains GitHub Sonar (@SonarSource) Bug Bounty2022-03-152023-06-13
1724Git honours embedded bare repos, and exploitation via core.fsmonitor in a directory%27s .git/config affects IDEs, shell prompts and Git pillagers RCE GitHub Microsoft JetBrains Justin Steven (@justinsteven) Bug Bounty2022-03-162023-06-13
1723From XSS to RCE (dompdf 0day) XSS RCE NA Positive Security (@positive_sec) Bug Bounty2022-03-162023-06-13
1708iTop – Template Injection inside customer Portal SSTI RCE Combodo (iTop) Markus Krell (@MarkusKrell) Bug Bounty2022-03-212023-06-13
1705Basic recon to RCE II RCE NA Joshua Martinelle (@J0_mart) Bug Bounty2022-03-222023-06-13
1701Remote Code Execution on Western Digital PR4100 NAS (CVE-2022-23121) RCE Western Digital Alex Plaskett (@alexjplaskett) Bug Bounty2022-03-232023-06-13
1699Pwn2Own Austin 2021 : Defeating The Netgear R6700V3 RCE Memory corruption Netgear Antide Petit (@xarkes_) Bug Bounty2022-03-252023-06-13
1698Finding bugs to trigger Unauthenticated Command Injection in a NETGEAR router (PSV-2022–0044) XSS Arbitrary file read Authentication bypass OS command injection RCE Netgear stypr (@stereotype32) Bug Bounty2022-03-252023-06-13
1691Pwning Microsoft Azure Defender for IoT | Multiple Flaws Allow Remote Code Execution for All RCE Memory corruption SQL injection Microsoft Kasif Dekel (@kasifdekel) Bug Bounty2022-03-282023-06-13
1690Ruby Deserialization - Gadget on Rails Insecure deserialization RCE Ruby on Rails HTTPVoid (@httpvoid0x2f) Bug Bounty2022-03-282023-06-13
1689Your NAS is not your NAS ! RCE Memory corruption Buffer Overflow Synology Angelboy (@scwuaptx) Bug Bounty2022-03-282023-06-13
1686Joomla! <= 4.1.0 (Tar.php) Zip Slip Vulnerability Zip Slip attack Path traversal Source code disclosure Joomla! Egidio Romano / EgiX Bug Bounty2022-03-292023-06-13