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Welcome to WriteupDB

At Writeup-DB, we are dedicated to enhancing the learning experience by providing a comprehensive collection of external writeups. Our platform is your one-stop destination for Bug Bounty Writeups, CVE Writeups, Certification Journey Writeups, and technical Cheatsheets. We aim to foster a community of continuous learning and knowledge sharing, simplifying the process of accessing educational content and empowering individuals to expand their horizons.

Read More About WriteupDB


What We Have

Bounty Writeup

CVE Writeup

Certification Journey Writeup



Total Count


Certification Journey






Frequently Asked Questions

  • Welcome to Writeup-DB, a platform designed to enhance your learning experience by providing a comprehensive collection of external writeups. Whether you’re interested in Bug Bounty Writeups, CVE Writeups, Certification Journey Writeups, or technical Cheatsheets, this platform has got you covered.

    Writeup-DB aims to foster a community of continuous learning and knowledge sharing. By centralizing these writeups, we simplify the process of accessing educational content and empower individuals to expand their horizons. So, dive into the world of writeups at Writeup-DB, and let the pursuit of knowledge lead you to new heights. Read more, learn more, and embark on a journey of intellectual growth.

  • Writeup-DB is thrilled to announce a fantastic giveaway for our content submitters! We appreciate your contribution to our community, and as a token of gratitude, we are offering the following prizes:

    • HackTheBox VIP Plus (1 X Monthly Subscription)
    • TryHackMe (2 X Monthly Subscription)
    • PentesterLab (1 X Monthly Subscription)

    To participate in the giveaway, submit your outstanding content, whether it’s an article you’ve authored or a link to an informative write-up. Our team will review the submissions and select one lucky winner to receive these incredible subscriptions.

    Don’t miss this opportunity to level up your cybersecurity skills with premium subscriptions! Stay tuned for more updates and exciting content on Writeup-DB.

  • Yes, you can submit others’ writeups and participate in the monthly giveaways. However, we will publish the writeup with the original author’s name.

Read Rules and FAQs


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